Step 1 Site Selection: How to Select the Best Site for Your Maize Farming

Site Selection, is the first step in your maize farming process, various aspects are a must know. They will influence even the variety of maize seeds that you will select to ensure successful production. 

These aspects will include:


Rainfall requirements vary with different varieties. 

Generally, maize does well in areas that receive 600-900mm of rainfall. Therefore during your site selection ensure the rainfall should be evenly distributed during the growing period. 

For higher yields, the crop should receive enough rainfall during the first five weeks after sowing and at flowering time. Any drought at flowering time will interfere with pollination and drastically lower the yields. 

Dry weather conditions are required during harvesting. Maize does not perform well under waterlogged and drought conditions, particularly around the time of flowering. 

2. Type of soil

Maize can grow under diverse environments, and on a wide range of soils, but performs best on well-drained, deep, loamy soils containing sufficient plant nutrients and organic matter. Soils should be well-drained, well-aerated, deep and warm. 

The best soils for growing maize are silt loam with sufficient nutrients and a pH range of 5.0-7.0. You should avoid waterlogged soils because if maize stands in water for more than two days, it withers and dies off. You should routinely analyze your soil for nutrients. 

To ensure high maize yields, during site selection, select highly productive land that is suitable for maize production. For example; avoid steeply sloping land, or land near a swamp, very sandy soils, and areas with shallow surface soil and places with couch grass. 

3. Temperatures

The temperature requirements of maize vary with varieties. High temperatures will expose the crop to too much respiration and lower the yields. The optimum temperature for good yields is 30°C.

All other climatic considerations are included as per good agricultural practices to ensure optimal crop production.

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